Full Context Software Development Book
- Master the highest-level of technical decision making -
Don't skip it!
Words from the author
DESCRIPTION: The introduction explains what are the industy wide problems the book aims to tackle, why are they worth solving and how can all this benefit You. Of course there's some personal introduction and you will read about how the author came up with this whole idea.Read time: ~ 4 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: 1st revision
Theoretical - Practical:
Discovering The Axioms
Redefine Software Development
DESCRIPTION: The book starts off with asking then answering some of the most fundamental questions about our work. Questions we usually don't even think about, concerning the very nature of software and development itself. Why? Because the answers will define the core philosophy of Full Context Development.Read time: ~ 14 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: 1st revision
Theoretical - Practical:
R.I.P. Car & CPU-DB
Defining Business Value
DESCRIPTION: This chapter defines the conceptual, high-level framework we will use to evaluate technology choices. It starts with business value and arrives at all the tools we have to influence it. It finishes with a structural overview of the main ideas of Full Context Development.Read time: ~ 15 min
Last updated: Oct. 22, 2022
Version: 1st revision
Theoretical - Practical:
The Big Boring
Influencing Business Value
DESCRIPTION: Here we discuss the exact business mechanics how the User API delivers the 4 business value types. This ensures our system and decisions are grounded in real facts. Then we summarize the actions developers can take to influence each value category.Read time: ~ 15 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
Debugging The User
Defining User Value
DESCRIPTION: This chapter teaches what's relevant for a software engineer about the components of customer experience so we can later discuss our influence over this area and evaluate our technical decisions from the perspective of our users.Read time: ~ 10 min
Last updated: Mar. 18, 2022
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
Users & Development
DESCRIPTION: This chapter introduces how to view the software you create as a product, what defines it's quality in this regard and summarizes all the ways the different technical attributes affect it. It also connects everything discussed in the previous 2 chapters with this topic to offer a systemic overview of our influence over the users.Read time: ~ 16 min
Last updated: Mar. 18, 2022
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
Compile to Human Native
Influencing User Value
DESCRIPTION: Here you will learn not only about the ways we have to create positive experiences for the users but all the technical details how we actually implement that (even unknowingly) with the everyday work wo do. Rest assured it's relevant to all engineers regardless of specialization.Read time: ~ 25 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
The Way of The Developer
Our Role in The Organization
DESCRIPTION: Here we set the stage for the next couple of chapters about the organizational aspect of our work. It explains how much of the Full Context reaches us in a typical software company and how can we uniquely utilize that knowledge. This defines the baseline the book teaches you how to exceed.Read time: ~ 8 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
Organization Theory
Defining Organization Value
DESCRIPTION: Our technical choices can deeply affect the efficiency of organizations. This chapter explains the elementary knowledge about organizational structure and performance to help you understand all the relevant factors while discussing our influence over this area.Read time: ~ 7 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
Maximizing Performance
Organization & Development
DESCRIPTION: The main topics discussed here are the 2 major process optimization methodologies, specifically adopted by the author to the software development workflow. This is a hands down take on the subject that's easily applicable in technical decision making.Read time: ~ 23 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
WARP Drive
Influencing Organization Value
DESCRIPTION: You will learn a method how to approach evaluating the consequences of technology choices over the performance of an organization. It also includes the final API of the material the Developer API, describing how technology affects our lives and feelings.Read time: ~ 15 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
The Final Quest of Programming
Defining Development Value
DESCRIPTION: In this chapter we laser-focus on code. The goal is to identify both the general and the specific attributes of any codebase that has a relationship with the other elements of the Full Context. You will learn the universal optimization targets of code.Read time: ~ 5 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
Tech Evaluation
Defining Technology Value
DESCRIPTION: The cherry on top of the cake, the best part of the material, you will learn how the timeless and universal properties of any software technology ripple through the Full Context and finally deliver business value. This a practical overview that can be used as a checklist at evaluation.Read time: ~ 32 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
Work Methodology
Full Context Development
DESCRIPTION: In the final chapter we build up a complementary work methodology that helps to identify and track the real values of any software project and show how to constantly align our decisions with them.Read time: ~ 4 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
How-To #1
Business Context Definition
DESCRIPTION: These guides offer exact processes to follow when identifying the value-defining elements of the Full Context. Here you will learn how to analyze the purely business related factors that should influence your decision-making process.Read time: ~ 5 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
How-To #2
User Context Definition
DESCRIPTION: The user context includes the real problems the application is trying to solve and discusses the ways to find the desired software properties that can fulfill them.Read time: ~ 5 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
How-To #3
Organization Context Definition
DESCRIPTION: Here you will learn to identify the strengths and weaknesses of any development process and a way to make technology choices that further the strengths and counter the weaknesses.Read time: ~ 2 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical:
How-To #4
Project Context Definition
DESCRIPTION: What are the relevant properties of a project that should drive technical decisions? This is another timeless topic that will help you to better align your choices with the real goals regardless of the technolgies in use.Read time: ~ 1 min
Last updated: Dec. 10, 2021
Version: Initial Draft
Theoretical - Practical: